Monday, July 02, 2007

my blog

My blog is now being updated here:

Saturday, August 12, 2006

This is a test blog post

This is me just testing a blogspot entry. With any luck it will show in the forum ( ) under the relevant section, General Blog Chat.

It's set for a 10 minute update, and if it works well, then I'll edit it to daily and set it accordingly for Fred X's & Duncan's blog too.

Keep all fingers crossed, folks :D

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Have I misunderstood the men's movement?

I have a question for all you good men & women out there. I hope you don't mind me putting this forward, but it is something I feel needs asking. Now is the time to ask; now is as good a time as any, right? I hope that Rob does not mind me 'spamming' his page, as I've tried to collect all the answers in one pot - rather than fishing all over the watery body that is what we call the internet.

My question, is this:

Have I misunderstood the men's movement?

Here is my post in full:

Hi folks,

I have been reading a few topics on other forums about miscellaneous subjects and some of the people don't actually seem to be too interested in resolving issues between the sexes. I may be utterly wrong and misunderstanding of the stance, but some seem to be so blunt and obvious it's difficult to see it another way. Rather than equality or setting reasonable compromises, some just seem interested in bashing, a bit of hate-speech dotted about, and even stupid (imho) such as 'replacing' women for 'sex-dolls'.

Now, perhaps I’m just peculiar compared to some of these MRA's but I thought men's rights were not about abandoning women for over-sized cock-straps with limbs, but rather balancing the rights of our sex, finding happy-mediums and generally finding a balance in this world to better both men & women?

Have I misunderstood the men’s movement? Is it - for some at least - about removing women entirely from their life, or is it about, as I had thought, gaining some level of respect and decency in a world where there seems to be none? I had thought it was about undoing some of the damage inflicted upon us by feminism, redressing the boys educational facilities, or lack thereof, and rebalancing some of the harmful perceptions about men in general.

Where do you stand in this?

With that in mind, I respectfully request anyone willing to volunteer an answer to please consider putting their response into this link which will open in a new window (so you can return here without the difficult task of clicking the 'back' button)
So far, there is a good amount of replies to this post, and I'd like them to keep coming. Please do feel welcome to volunteer your perception and ideas. Guest access is enabled on the forum, so anyone - member or not - can respond.



Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My first - and perhaps only post to my own blog...

Welcome good people to my bloggy thingy.

I can't say I'm too hot for blogs, so it won't actually be used per se. However, it will be used just to direct you to other locations online where I can be likely lurking, or worse still, perhaps making posts or other dastardly activities.

My main work can be found by clicking the link to my home page, Mathews Home. I have various others, such as My's site, Abby's site and my favourite: my Antifeminism site & Forum. Not forgetting, I can also be located at the Male Talk blog, with thanks to Rob Layton for his kind invitation.

So, please drop by, give them a shot...

Bye for now.